

Free streaming #5 | Sem Mim & Ímã

We are still in quarantine, at home. One day at a time. To stay closer to you, Sem Mim and Ímã will be available on Vimeo from April 19 until 26.

choreography: Rodrigo Pederneiras
* Sem Mim
music: Carlos Núñez and José Miguel Wisnik
[on songs by Martín Codax]
* Ímã
music: +2 | Moreno, Domenico, Kassin

1. Access vimeo.com/grupocorpo
2. Sign in.
3. Select one of the videos included in the promotion.
4. Click on Rent (DO NOT fill in credit card details).
5. In “apply promo code” type: grupocorpo45anos

Sem Mim
Photo: Jose Luiz Pederneiras

Tecnologia por André Lug