

Free streaming #7 | Nazareth & Missa do Orfanato

We have come to the end of our series of shows to watch at home with Nazareth and Missa do Orfanato, available on Vimeo from May 3rd until May 10th.
We hope we have eased a little of these difficult times we are living, bringing you some joy and relief.

choreography: Rodrigo Pederneiras

* Nazareth
music: José Miguel Wisnik
[about Ernesto Nazareth’s compositions]

* Missa do Orfanato
music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1. Access vimeo.com/grupocorpo
2. Sign in.
3. Select one of the videos included in the promotion.
4. Click on Rent (DO NOT fill in credit card details).
5. In “apply promo code” type: grupocorpo45anos

photo: José Luiz Pederneiras

Tecnologia por André Lug